The Assesment Day

FKIP UNSRI Students with the Principal, Vice Principal and English Teacher of SMP Srijaya Negara

Saturday, 21st May 2022.

Today, Recca Lyn Mamorno, a student from Pangasinan State University, Nabila and Annisa, the students from FKIP UNSRI conducted the last teaching practice in the SEA Teacher 2022 program. This teaching practice was a part of the assessment.

The three of us took turns doing the teaching practice. Annisa started teaching at 08.00-09.00 WIB, followed by Recca at 09.30-10.30 and finally Nabila at 10.30-11.30 WIB. Same as before, Recca taught the 8th-grade, Annisa and Nabila taught the 9th-grade students.

I accompanied Annisa when she did her teaching practice. On this occasion, she taught a material about "Expressions of Hope/Wish and Congratulations".

After Annisa's teaching session was over, we both moved to the next class to help Recca did her teaching activities. Recca taught the "Announcement" material to students.

Alhamdulillah, on this assessment day, our teaching activities went better than before, the interaction between us and the students was increasing. 

After accompanying Recca, I immediately moved to another class to teach the 9th-graders. This time I brought the material about "Labels of Food/Drink/Medicine". In this activity, as usual, I delivered the materials, divided them into several groups and distributed students' worksheets for them to work on and asked their representatives to come to the front of the class to read the results of their discussions.

These three teaching practices for the Assesment Day was also witnessed and supervised by the supervisory lecturer, Ma'am Erlina, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.Ed.

I hope that our teaching activities can be a valuable experience for us, can be a provision for us in the future and can be useful for the Srijaya Negara Junior High School students that we teach.

After teaching, we took a group photo with the Principal (Mrs. Sahara Aini, S.Pd.), Vice Principal (Mr. Alhenri Wijaya, S.Pd. M.Pd.) and also the English teacher (Mrs. Mitra Afriadeni, S.Pd., M.Pd.) of SMP Srijaya Negara.

Annisa's Session

Nabila's Session

Annisa and Nabila accompanied Recca during her Teaching Practice

The 9th-grade students


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