
The Assesment Day

FKIP UNSRI Students with the Principal, Vice Principal and English Teacher of SMP Srijaya Negara Saturday, 21st May 2022. Today, Recca Lyn Mamorno, a student from Pangasinan State University, Nabila and Annisa, the students from FKIP UNSRI conducted the last teaching practice in the SEA Teacher 2022 program. This teaching practice was a part of the assessment. The three of us took turns doing the teaching practice. Annisa started teaching at 08.00-09.00 WIB, followed by Recca at 09.30-10.30 and finally Nabila at 10.30-11.30 WIB. Same as before, Recca taught the 8th-grade, Annisa and Nabila taught the 9th-grade students. I accompanied Annisa when she did her teaching practice. On this occasion, she taught a material about "Expressions of Hope/Wish and Congratulations". After Annisa's teaching session was over, we both moved to the next class to help Recca did her teaching activities. Recca taught the "Announcement" material to students. Alhamdulillah, on this ass...

My first English Teaching Practice at SMP Srijaya Negara

Saturday, 19th May 2022. After going through several series in this SEA Teacher program, Annisa and I were also asked to practice teaching English at Srijaya Negara Junior High School. We are assigned to teach the 9th-grade students. I was happy and nervous when I was going to teach students at that time because this was the first time for me to teach students directly. But, because of the knowledge that I have gained in college such as from the "Teaching and Learning Strategies" and "Micro Teaching" course made me have a clear plan to teach students at their level. Annisa and I were given the opportunity to teach twice. In this first teaching practice, the material that I presented was about "Expression of Hope/Wish and Congratulations". Because the students will immediately carry out the School Exams, we are only asked to review the material that has been taught by their English Teacher before. We were given 2x30 minutes to teach.  After explaining the m...

Accompanying the English Teaching Practice of the Pangasinan State University Student

  Tuesday, 17th May 2022. In the SEA Teacher Program activity, after the students make a lesson plan, they will be asked to do the teaching practice as a form of application of the lesson plan they have made. Recca Lyn Mamorno, a student from Pangasinan State University who took part in the SEA Teacher program practiced the teaching activity twice before the Assessment Day. In the first teaching practical activity, as Recca Buddies, Annisa and Nabila could not accompany Recca because there was a final exam that could not be left. In the second week, Recca did the teaching practice again. Recca taught students in the 8th grade of  Srijaya Negara Junior High School. The material taught is "Notice". Nabila and Annisa accompanied her teaching practices to help Recca and the students to communicate. This teaching practice activity is also supervised by the supervisory lecturer, Ma'am Erlina via zoom meeting. Although there were some technical errors, this teaching practice was...

Observing the "Pesantren Kilat" activity in SMP Srijaya Negara

Tuesday, 12th April 2022. Still on the observation agenda for the SMP Srijaya Negara Palembang, students from Pangasinan State University and Sriwijaya University attended the "Pesantren Kilat" activity virtually. This activity is usually carried out by schools every Ramadan. This "Pesantren Kilat" is filled with activities such as islamic lectures and also reciting the Qur'an together. This is certainly very beneficial for Muslim students and teachers. It is is also a new thing for Recca, the student from Pangasinan State University because this activity is rarely found in her country, Philippines.

Lesson Plan Discussions (English SEA Teacher PSU X UNSRI 2022)

Every Monday or Tuesday, after observing the English class, the English SEA Teacher team had a discussion about the Lesson Plan. At the meeting, the teacher tutor from SMP Srijaya Negara gave information about what a lesson plan is and how to make it.  The Example of Lesson Plan in Indonesia This activity aims to introduce students from Pangasinan State University and also FKIP UNSRI about one of the important components that need to be prepared before carrying out teaching activities. This activity was also accompanied by a supervisory lecturer, Ma'am Erlina. The example of Lesson Plan in Philippines On that occasion, Recca, the student from Pangasinan State University showed the Lesson Plan format used in her country, Philippines. After seeing the Lesson Plan in Indonesia and comparing it with the Lesson Plan in her country, she said that the Lesson Plan in Indonesia looks simpler than the one in her country. In this meeting, Recca, Annisa and also Nabila showed the progress of t...

Observing the English Class at SMP Srijaya Negara

Monday, 11th April 2022. Every Monday and Tuesday, the students from Pangasinan State University and FKIP UNSRI conduct virtual observation classes at Srijaya Negara Junior High School. On that occasion, they witnessed how Ms. Mitra (The English Teacher at SMP Srijaya Negara and the Teacher Tutor in this SEA Teacher program) taught the students in the class. Recca, Annisa and Nabila paid attention to student learning conditions, how the interaction between students and teachers, how the teacher conveys the material, what methods are used, etc. With this class observation activity, we have an idea of how to teach at the school later. 

FKIP UNSRI Students visited Srijaya Negara Junior High School Palembang

Wednesday, 4th April 2022. UNSRI students, Nabila Nur Amalia and Annisa Maulidya Putri visited SMP Srijaya Negara Palembang for the first time. On that occasion, Nabila and Annisa met with Ms. Mitra as the teacher tutor for the SEA Teacher 2022 activity. Ms. Mitra is an English Teacher in SMP Srijaya Negara. They discussed many things, starting from the schedule of activities, preparation for teaching practice, the condition of the students there, what books they used, and seeing firsthand the condition of the class which would later be used for the teaching practices. This meeting helped Nabila and Annisa to know the state of the school and prepare for their teaching practices later.


  Saturday, 2nd April 2022. To get to know each other better, students from Pangasinan State University, Philippines and FKIP UNSRI students who were involved in the SEA Teacher Program held the sharing session via zoom meeting. This activity is carried out after the tarawih prayer (Indonesian time). In this sharing session, they shared their stories and experiences about their personal lives, like hobbies, interests, etc. They also shared about their respective countries, the culture, starting from their respective languages which turned out to have some similarities. Also, Recca, the student from PSU, Philppines showed the typical Filipino food, Balut (Balut is a popularly known Filipino delicacy made from incubated duck eggs), and demonstrates how to consume it. Illustration of Balut. sc : google They also discussed the educational system in Indonesia and Philippines. Because this is Ramadhan, Filipino students also asked about fasting to the FKIP UNSRI students who are Muslim. ...

The First Meeting of English SEA Teacher (Universitas Sriwijaya X Pangasinan State University X SMP Srijaya Negara)

Monday, 28th March 2022. The SEA Teacher Program 2022 has started to enter the implementation period. Based on the schedule, SEA Teacher activities will be held from 28 March - 27 May 2022. And today, the entire English SEA Teacher team has their first virtual meeting via Google Meet. The meeting was attended by the Principal of the Srijaya Negara Junior High School (Mrs. Sahara Aini, S.Pd.), the Vice Principal and also a lecturer of English Education in Sriwijaya University (Mr. Alhenri Wijaya, S.Pd., M.Pd.), the tutor teacher (Mrs. Mitra Afriadeni, S.Pd., M.Pd.), the supervisory lecturer (Mrs. Erlina, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.Ed.), student from Pangasinan State University (Recca Lyn Mamorno), and also the students from English Education study program UNSRI (Nabila Nur Amalia & Annisa Maulidya Putri). This meeting started with an introduction, then continued with a discussion about the schedule for the SEA Teacher 2022 program and a discussion of several mechanisms related to the implement...

Orientation Activity of the SEA Teacher Program on the Even Semester of the 2021/2022 Academic Year

Palembang, 23-24 March 2022. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Sriwijaya University (FKIP UNSRI) in collaboration with Pangasinan State University (PSU) in the implementation of SEA Teacher 2022. In order to introduce and prepare for the SEA Teacher program, FKIP Unsri conducted an orientation activity for 2 days, on 23-24 March 2022. This activity was carried out offline at the FKIP Unsri Postgraduate Hall Building and online via Zoom Meeting. It discussed the SEA Teacher program which will be carried out for 2 months, March 28-May 27, 2022.  This activity was opened and led by the Dean of FKIP Unsri, Dr. Hartono, M.A. He explained in general what the SEA Teacher program was and assisted by the pther lecturers regarding the explanation of this program in more detail, starting from the schedule to the assessment aspects in this activity.  In this activity, for the first time, students from the PSU, Philippines who conducted the SEA Teacher program at Sriwijaya Universi...